Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Power of Nonsense

Taxi, break, chicken
Everything, shelter, exhibition, thinking
Buying, beginning, activism.

The process of really picking random words without biased personal thinking is creative and results in something unexpected. Although the words are not supposed to be connected between them or to my personal thoughts, my first reaction was to make sense and connect them to my personal life, but why should I do it? Probably, it is a natural human behaviour to interpret things from a subjective point of view. Also, why words picked up and arranged in a strictly randomly way should have an interpretation?

Since Dadaism is related to nonsense, a Dada poem doesn't necessarily needs to have a particular interpretation; therefore, finding an interpretation to a Dada poem would go against Dadaism. Anyway, a basic interpretation trying to make sense linking all the words in my Dada poem would be something like this: Riding a taxi I see a KFC, while many homeless people exhibited at shelters make me think that buying food for them should become the beginning of activism. After all, it has a strong message taken from a nonsense arranged words.

1 comment:

  1. Nonsense does make sense if you forget about grammar of English. Thinking the words are like dots, you need some imagination to connect those dots when you interpret the dada poem.
